Living Local Episode 3: SD County Farm Bureau's Hannah Gbeh on Modern Farming & Motherhood

September 04, 2019
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Hannah Gbeh, new Executive Director of the San Diego County Farm Bureau joins host Katie Stokes for a chat about eating local in the unique and diverse region that is San Diego County.

Hannah has serious cred as an environmental engineer and farmer, so her experiences figuring out what to grow, how to sell it, and who to sell it to exemplify how this labor of love takes serious dedication, innovation, learning, and partnership. Hannah's bringing all this experience to leadership of a group poised to serve as a 21st Century hub, convener, and incubator for our region's amazing growers, which gives each of us dozens of reasons to buy and eat local and in season as much as we all can.

Katie rounds out the session with a tasty hack for a midweek dinner with seasonal hard squash - customizable for every eating persuasion.

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